The Pursuit of Clearly Seeing, Understanding, and Responding to Reality

Strictly adhering to depicting reality without embellishment, idealization, or concessions. Presenting the world as it is, even if it includes unpleasant or harsh details, refusing to soften or alter their perspective to fit a particular narrative or expectation. Essentially, being completely truthful and objective in the representation of reality, even when it might be difficult to accept. This is to see life as it is, so the outcome of which is being at peace with the world and moving calmly through its experiences.

No compromises: They will not sugarcoat or omit details to make a situation seem better than it is.
Focus on truth: Their primary concern is accurately reflecting reality, even if it is harsh or uncomfortable.
No idealization: They avoid portraying situations or people in a more positive light than they deserve.
Unwavering perspective: They stick firmly to their interpretation of reality without being swayed by outside pressures to change their view.
Philosophically: A thinker who believes that the world exists independently of our perception and that our understanding should be based on objective observation.

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